Download Google Chrome 86.0.4240.111 for Windows. Fast downloads of the latest free software! This time, Chrome surged ahead, making it the fastest of the three in this specific test. However, overall, Chrome won the trophy as the fastest browser of the bunch when averaging the two test. Version Selection. Getting started. Performance Log. Mobile Emulation. Chrome doesn't start or crashes immediately. ChromeDriver crashes. Clicking issues. ChromeDriver is available for Chrome on Android and Chrome on Desktop (Mac, Linux, Windows and ChromeOS).
Mass effect 3 import bonuses. Safari is included with your Mac operating system.
To keep Safari up to date for the version of macOS you're using, install the latest macOS updates.
The most recent version of macOS includes the most recent version of Safari. For some earlier versions of macOS, Safari might also be available separately from the Updates tab of the App Store.
If you deleted Safari and don't have a Time Machine backup or other backup, reinstall macOS to put Safari back in your Applications folder. Reinstalling macOS doesn't remove data from your computer.
Before reinstalling, you might want to use Spotlight to search for Safari on your Mac. If you find it, but it's no longer in your Dock, just drag it to the Dock to add it back.
Apple no longer offers Safari updates for Windows. Safari 5.1.7 for Windows was the last version made for Windows, and it is now outdated.
This article explains how to download and install Firefox on a Mac.
Tip: You can add Firefox to your dock for easy access. Just open your Applications folder and drag Firefox to the dock.
Firefox is now ready for use. Just click on its icon in the dock or Applications folder to start it.
When you first start up Firefox, you will be warned that you downloaded Firefox from the Internet. Because you download Firefox from the official site, click .
Upon installation, Firefox will not be your default browser, which you'll be notified about. That means that when you open a link in your mail application, an Internet shortcut, or HTML document, it will not open in Firefox. If you want Firefox to do those things, click . If you're just trying out Firefox or simply do not wish to set Firefox as your default browser, click .