This guide to Mass Effect 3 is a compendium, including a throughout description of all missions together with all the necessary and additional information required to complete them. The content is as follows:
Watch what happens when you import a maxed out character into Mass Effect 3! We've collected every single walkthrough video in this handy playlist: http://ww. Mass Effect 2 is an action role-playing video game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts. It was released for Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360 in 2010, and PlayStation 3 in 2011. Mass Effect 2 is the second installment of the Mass Effect series and a sequel to the original Mass Effect. Apr 07, 2014 Forum: Download: Kudos: Anonime395.
Walkthrough is mainly based on a default choices, though it will be updated with differences in completing the mission, resulting from the choices made in Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2.
Notice! This guide is still in progress and its further parts will be successively published.
Jacek 'Stranger' Halas
Translated to English by Jakub 'cilgan' Lasota
Author : Jacek 'Stranger' Halas for
Translator : Jakub 'Cilgan' Lasota, Jacek 'Stanger' Halas, Bartlomiej Lopatka
last update : May 5, 2016
Guide contains : 127 pages, 560 images.
Use the comments below to submit your updates and corrections to this guide.
Recommended: Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz, 2 GB RAM (4 GB RAM - Vista/7), graphic card 512 MB (GeForce 9800 GT or better), 15 GB HDD, Windows XP/Vista/7, lacze internetowe
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Published by 8 years ago , last updated 1 year agoPosted on March 6, 2012, GameFront Staff Mass Effect 3: Save Import Bonuses List
For more Mass Effect 3 cheats, easter eggs, secrets and video guides, check out the walkthrough app brought to you by Game Front.
The importance of choice is secondary to the importance of consequences. In Mass Effect 3, Bioware wants to give your decisions weight, and to pull that unique feat off, they’ve included the Character Transfer system into Mass Effect 3. Long ago, Mass Effect 2 allowed Character Transfers from Mass Effect 1, but this is a whole different beast. Instead of hundreds of variable, Mass Effect 3 features thousands of changes depending on your actions in Mass Effect 2. Not only that, you’ll find a slew of benefits and bonuses if Shepard continues his journey directly from the previous Mass Effect space adventure. There are far too many changes to list, and many more left to be discovered, but we’ve compiled a list of known factors that will change depending on your choices after a Character Transfer. Give Mass Effect 2 another play and prepare for another perfect run as Commander Shepard.
To help you save the universe, and yourself, check out our huge text and video walkthrough. For another look at the list of special articles covering anything extra in Mass Effect 3, check out the cheats page.
SPOILER WARNING: Massive Mass Effect 2 Spoilers! Minor Mass Effect 3 Spoilers!
Character Transfer Guide
Transfer General Info
Level and Ability Transfer
Collectibles Transfer
Gameplay Upgrades
Character Transfer Guide – Plot Consequences
Note: The choices below will have a major difference in the story of Mass Effect 3.
Mass Effect 1 Major Plot Choices
Mass Effect 2 Major Plot Choices
Mass Effect 1 Minor Plot Choices
Mass Effect 2 Minor Plot Choices
Returning Characters
Note: Returning characters will recognize different choices and actions depending on your save file transfer. Certain minor or major characters will only appear under certain conditions.
Note: Romance with these squadmates transfers from Mass Effect 2 and can be continued into Mass Effect 3.
Minor Characters
Note: These characters will appear as optional or plot-important NPCs, their appearance and responses change with the save file transfer.
There are thousands of consequences for your choices in Mass Effect 3. Tell us about your Mass Effect experience below!
Game Front’s Official Mass Effect 3 Video Walkthroughs
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Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough Playlist (w/ Mitch – FemShep Paragon)
Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough Playlist (w/ James – MaleShep Renegade)